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Geld-und Werttransportversicherung

ITIC bietet die umfassendste Haftpflichtversicherung für Dienstleister der Transportindustrie weltweit. ITIC offeriert eine Reihe zusätzlicher Deckungen, die die Hauptsparten ergänzen. Um ein Angebot zu erhalten, füllen Sie bitte den entsprechenden Fragebogen aus.

Cash in Transit Insurance

ITIC offers a unique insurance package to its members. The combination of cash in transit and petty cash insurance offers members the convenience of a single policy at a comprehensive premium. To request a quote, please fill out a cash in transit proposal form.

Directors' & Officers' Insurance

D&O insurance cover protects companies, and their directors, officers and senior managers against claims arising from their decisions and actions taken whilst managing their business. To request a quote, please fill out a directors' and officers' proposal form.

Loss of Commission Insurance

ITIC's loss of commission cover is tailored to ship brokers' needs, offered as an endorsement to members' existing liability insurances. There are two levels of cover; actual and constructive total loss, and full cover which insures a wide range of marine perils. To request a quote, please fill out the loss of commission insurance proposal form.

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