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Cargo forensic analysts

Cargo inspection, testing & analysis

Inspecting, testing and analysing cargo are processes fraught with the possibility of human error.
The profession is constantly exposed to the risk of client claims arising from numerous possible shortfalls in accuracy.

These might include incorrect test results, descriptions of cargo that may miss a critical aspect of detail relating to specification or quantity, or loss of samples resulting in the failure to properly defend/bring a claim on behalf of your client.

ITIC professional indemnity insurance enables you to minimise the impact of any claims against you, and offers a fast response to keep your business running as usual.

The analyses you provide are always critical. Errors and omissions are equally critical.

Should your service ever fall down on accuracy, whether in the analysis itself or how the results are disseminated, your clients will seek compensation.

In a field as focused as cargo forensic analysis, it is paramount to deal with such issues immediately. The negative impact of not doing so is more than just financial; your reputation is at stake, and possibly your livelihood is threatened as a result.

ITIC professional indemnity insurance enables you to minimise the impact of any claims against you, and offers a fast response to keep your business running as usual.

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