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Financial highlights

Combined ITIC, ITIC Europe and TIMIA Financial Highlights for the year ended 31st May 2024Year end 2024Year end 2023
 US$ '000sUS$ '000s
Gross premiums written71,90668,545
Reinsurance premiums (excess loss)(5,229)(5,303)
Claims incurred less excess loss reinsurance recoveries(26,472)(18,109)
Operating expenses(25,514)(22,347)
Operating result for the year before continuity credit, investment result and exchange result14,69122,786
Continuity credit(15,660)(14,586)
Operating result for the year before investment result and exchange result(969)8,200
Combined ratio (pre continuity credit)80%67%
Combined ratio (post continuity credit)101%88%
Investment result (realised and unrealised)31,247(144)
Surplus for the year29,6288,096
Free reserves brought forward at 1st June230,014221,918
Free reserves carried forward at 31st May259,642230,014
Free reserves:  
Assets under management including accrued interest343,913307,921
Other net assets(8,298)(9,714)
Less: Outstanding claims reserves net of reinsurance recoveries(75,973)(68,193)
Free reserves carried forward at 31st May259,642230,014

Gross Premium Income

The following graph shows the growth in premium income of ITIC for the years ended 31st May:

Free Reserves Development

The reserves of the combined club at 31st May continue to grow through a strong investment performance and stable underwriting

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