ITIC issued a circular to Members in 2014 in relation to the fraudulent diversion of port expenses. Unfortunately ITIC is seeing evidence of similar frauds being perpetrated across the wider marine industry and advises all Members to be vigilant.
International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) has launched an e-learning seminar to help ship managers successfully negotiate the pitfalls they may encounter when asked to sign letters of undertaking.
ITIC are hosting a seminar and drinks reception in Dubai on Wednesday 25th March 2015, for all Members and insurance brokers. This event coincides with the spring ITIC Board meeting.
The latest e-learning seminar from ITIC has just been released.
This article, written by ITIC Claims Director, Andrew Jamieson, and Melanine Thomas, Account Executive appeared in the Shipping Network magazine.
Careless errors by ship agents are resulting in costly claims, according to ITIC.
OW Bunker A/S the global marine fuel company filed for bankruptcy on the 7th November 2014 and reported two senior employees for fraud. The company had operations in 29 countries, and as one of the world’s largest independent bunker logistic companies had an estimated global market share of 7%. The UK Defence Club have compiled a FAQ relating to OW Bunkers to assist Members.
ITIC has advised shipbrokers, consultants and other advisers not to sign confidentiality agreements which restrict their ability to do business.
ITIC has recommended that brokers place a post-fixture clause at the end of recap messages in order to reduce the chances of exposure to severe financial loss as a result of important messages being overlooked.
ITIC has warned of continued attempts by fraudsters to target payments between shipping companies. Speaking at the 45th FONASBA Annual Meeting in Gothenburg, ITIC claims director Andrew Jamieson explained that recent cases had been variations on earlier frauds...
ITIC's Year Book 2014 is now available to read online.
This autumn edition of the Claims Review is published to coincide with the September 2014 meeting of ITIC's Directors in Bremen, Germany.
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