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Article: 12/07/13 - The Big Row - Help ITIC's rowing team to raise £5,000 for the Chauncy Maples

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Thomas Miller are leading a campaign to raise money to renovate Chauncy Maples, Africa’s oldest floating ship, into a mobile health clinic for the fishing villages around Lake Malawi. To date, £1,500,000 has been raised with the support of many companies.

Thomas Miller are now organising the Big Row, the dream of which is to find 100 crews to row - on rowing machines - 1,000,000 metres (approximately the circumference of Lake Malawi) to raise £1,000,000 - enough to complete the renovation and provide some funds towards the running costs.  The event will take place in Spitalfields Market on the evening of 11th September.

Sir Matthew Pinsent, Roz Savage, Katie Derham and Angela Rippon are all patrons of the event.

ITIC have submitted a team of 10 rowers and have a target of £5,000 to raise. Please help support our team by donating at:

To find out more details about this event, or to enter a team, please visit:

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