Event: SHIPMAN 2024 seminar in Hamburg

Event: SHIPMAN 2024 seminar in Hamburg

The most important contract in ship management, BIMCO SHIPMAN, has now been updated.  

ITIC is holding a seminar in Hamburg, Germany, with four of the drafters of the agreement who will discuss the changes and what it will mean for your business:

  • Robert Hodge, ITIC General Manager
  • Christian Hoppe, BIMCO General Counsel
  • Zehra Göknaz Engin - Project Manager in BIMCO’s Contracts & Clauses Department
  • Manolis Nicolaou, CSM Legal Counsel

This seminar is vital for all ship managers and marine insurance brokers.

The full event details are as follows:

Date: Thursday 19th September 2024
Time: 17.00 registration
Venue: Steigenberger Hotel Hamburg, Heiligengeistbrücke 4, 20459 Hamburg, Germany


17:00 – Registration and coffee
17:30 – 18:30 – Seminar followed by Q&A
18:30 - 20:00 - Networking drinks reception


For more information, or to RSVP, please e-mail ITIC.invitations@thomasmiller.com

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