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The Cyber Collider - A panel discussion on cyber risk management for ship managers

IMO Resolution MSC.428(98) otherwise referred to as IMO 2021, requires managers to assess cyber risk and implement measures across all functions of their safety management system. This no mean feat and can seem like daunting task. ITIC has therefore brought together a panel of experts to discuss the risks and practicalities involved.

Topics discussed:

  • What is required of the manager
  • What are the manager’s liabilities
  • How far does the manager’s due diligence extend?
  • How can the risks be reduced (by contract or insurance)?

The event was moderated by ITIC's Robert Hodge and the panellists were:

Julian Clark – Global Senior Partner – Ince
Robert Dorey – Group CEO – Astaara
Capt Ajay Hazari – Chief Risk Officer – Anglo Eastern

Julian Clark, Robert Dorey, Capt Ajay Hazari
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