Failing to submit manifest is not fine

Failing to submit manifest is not fine

A load port ship agent was required to submit an export manifest summary to the port authority.

The port authority requirement was that the export manifest must be submitted by both paper and online formats within ten days of the ship sailing.

Unfortunately, the agent only submitted the documentation in the paper format within the required timeframe – failing to submit online at all.

The authorities levied a fine of US$82 per day on the owner. However, it took the port so long to realise the export manifest had not been filed online (approximately one thousand days later or three years) that the back dated fine had increased to US$82,000.

Clearly, this was ridiculous and partly the port authority’s own fault. As a result they agreed to reduce the fine to US$20,000.

The port authority threatened to suspend the agent’s licence unless the payment of the fine was made. The agent therefore agreed to pay the reduced amount in full.

The claim was paid by ITIC.

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