Interview with Maggie Hui Li

Interview with Maggie Hui Li

Maggie Hui Li, ITIC’s claims executive, sits down to chat with the Claims Review editor, as part of this regular interview series in which we get to know ITIC’s claims handlers. Maggie joined ITIC’s claims team in January 2024 and has a passion for shipping, inspired by her childhood in northern China and further studies in shipping law. She enjoys the mutuality concept at ITIC, solving claims like a detective, and has diverse interests including reading, traveling, and cooking.

How long have you worked at ITIC?

I joined the claims team at ITIC at the end of January 2024.

Why did you decide to work in shipping?

When I was a very young girl in a coastal city of northern China, I wanted to see the rest of the world. That’s why I chose international trade and economics for a first degree and then shipping law. When I was fortunate enough to get a scholarship for further shipping law studies at Southampton University, I jumped at it, which led eventually to work in P&I Clubs and now, I am happy to say, with ITIC.

What do you like about working in ITIC?

I am fascinated by the concept of mutuality, and about how to apply it across the great variety of shipping related work performed by ITIC’s members in so many different countries around the world.

What is your favourite part of handling claims?

Learning about the relationships between the member and the claimant, and working out exactly what has happened, like a detective, because this usually opens the door to the best and sometimes most creative win-win solutions.

What is your favourite saying?

Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution.

What do you like doing in your free time?

I like reading, going to museums and art galleries, walking along parks or the coast on sunny days, travelling and learning new recipes to cook.

What is your favourite film?

There are so many to choose from. I recently enjoyed Chariots of Fire which is based upon the true story of two British athletes in the 1924 Paris Olympics, and Chang An which is an animated film portrays life of influential poets of the Tang Dynasty and the rise and fall of Chang An.

What is your favourite TV drama?

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes is one of my favourites.

What is your favourite food?

I like various cuisines from around the world. If I have to pick some, possibly fresh seafood and seasonal fruits. Dumplings and dim sum are definitely on the list too.

What is the last book you read or music you downloaded?

This Is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor by Adam Kay. It is a collection of diary entries written by the author during his medical training.

Any life ambitions or future goals still to achieve?

There are still countries which I have not yet been to. I would like to explore the culture & history of those places and meet the people there.

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