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Welcome to this very special edition of ITIC’s Claims Review.

Welcome to this very special edition of ITIC’s Claims Review.

Welcome to this very special edition of ITIC’s Claims Review. This is the 50th edition, with the first ever publication being released back in 1993 – when Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President, Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and most importantly, Harry Kane was born. This bespoke front cover includes images from past editions.

Since 1993 a lot has changed, with claims getting more complex, frauds getting more sophisticated and technology playing an ever more prevalent role. However, traditional human error still remains at the core of most of the claims ITIC handles, with some of the mistakes that ITIC was helping members to deal with back in 1993 still happening today. There is a claim from the first ever edition of the Claims Review in this edition – see if you can spot which one it is. After all these years ITIC is still here supporting its members, whether by paying claims where an error or omission has been made, or in supporting the legal defence where an allegation has wrongfully been made against a member. In fact, since 1992 ITIC has paid out over US$ 500 million in claims and recovered over US$ 240 million in disbursements and commissions.

I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank all past and current contributors to the Claims Review. It really is a team effort. I would also like to thank you, our loyal and enthusiastic readership.
Please don’t forget to keep sending in your questions for our “ask the editor” section. You can get in touch with me by e-mailing

We hope that you find this special edition interesting and informative.

Here is to the next 50!

The Editor

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