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Chloe Townley profile

Chloe Townley profile

Chloe Townley is your account executive for Argentina and Uruguay, who handles both underwriting enquiries and claims.

Chloe joined ITIC as a Senior Account Executive in November 2022 after starting her career as a solicitor at London law firm Ince & Co LLP specialising in maritime matters for close to 6 years. This was followed by over six years as a senior claims handler at two IG P&I and Defence Clubs (18 months of which were within the Thomas Miller Group).

Chloe has handled a wide range of commercial and shipping disputes in both private practice and in IG P&I Clubs, having the benefit of applying both the legal perspective in private practice and the commercial perspective in the P&I Clubs. She was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in England and Wales in 2012. Chloe is learning French and Spanish.

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