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Aircraft managers

Owning an aircraft is a time-consuming, expensive experience and subject to numerous compliance and regulatory requirements.

Aircraft managers are expected to deliver a service that includes:

  • saving time for your principals;
  • reducing the operational costs of aircraft ownership;
  • ensuring that the aircraft runs in a profitable and effective manner and is compliant with changing regulatory requirements. 

Errors and omissions can occur when the pressure is on

ITIC is able to insure a wide range of aircraft management professionals, including those who provide services such as:

  • Technical management
  • Fleet management
  • Contract and asset management
  • Crew management
  • Flight operational management

Fact Sheet

ITIC’s specialist knowledge of your aviation business will make it quicker and easier for you to obtain advice and support on a claim under your professional indemnity insurance.

Download PDF

ITIC Aviation Industry Insights - Melanie Daglish and George Galanopolous, CEO, Luxaviation UK

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