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Aviation surveyors

Aircraft owners and lessors are expected to meet a wide range of regulatory and compliance requirements. Regular surveys ensure that continuous airworthiness has been independently verified and demonstrate the suitability of a particular aircraft.

Organisations and regulatory bodies, as well as clients, customers and the general public- knowingly or unknowingly- rely upon your surveys. You provide the reassurance that ‘all is well’ in this particular world, and all stakeholders can go about their business without any worries. If your reassurance ever proves to be ill-founded, then you have problems; which is precisely why you need professional indemnity insurance from ITIC.

ITIC insures aviation surveyors whose surveys are used for a range of purposes including:

  • proof of compliance with regulatory requirements and safety standards;
  • assistance in aircraft selection, both for owners and lessors;
  • pre or post delivery assistance for owners, lessees and managers;
  • Insurance purposes and claims investigations.

Fact Sheet

ITIC’s specialist knowledge of your aviation business will make it quicker and easier for you to obtain advice and support on a claim under your professional indemnity insurance.

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Aviation Surveyors

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