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Documentation & Rules

Rule Book

Las Reglas constituyen la base de las pólizas de seguro de los asociados de ITIC.

Están disponibles las Reglas de 2012 y de 2008 y sus traducciones a chino, francés, italiano y español. Sin embargo, las traducciones tienen meramente finalidad informativa y no deben tomarse en consideración para ningún seguro facilitado por ITIC.

Insurance Product Information Documents

The Insurance Product Information Documents (IPIDs) are a summary of the benefits included, exclusions, restrictions, areas of cover, how your policy is paid and your rights and obligations.

ITIC provides two sets of IPID documents, one for EEA members and another for non-EEA members. Based on where your business is registered, please select the relevant entity below (it will be stated on your policy and the certificate of insurance). These documents are the same, aside from the name of the insurer.


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