Documentation & Rules

Rule Book

Las Reglas constituyen la base de las pólizas de seguro de los asociados de ITIC.

Están disponibles las Reglas de 2012 y de 2008 y sus traducciones a chino, francés, italiano y español. Sin embargo, las traducciones tienen meramente finalidad informativa y no deben tomarse en consideración para ningún seguro facilitado por ITIC.

2022 Rules

Download the Spanish translation

Download the English translation

Download the German translation

Download the Chinese translation

Download the French translation

Here are the 2022 Rules of ITIC. They are designed to be used as an electronic document and if you are viewing the interactive pdf and you click on a link (blue text and underlined) you can go back to your previous position in the document in two ways*:

Option 1 
Alt / left arrow will take you back to the previous view

Option 2
Right click when your cursor is on the tool banner and click Show Page Navigation Tools and tick Previous View the back button will appear in the tool bar

*Please note: in order to be able to navigate ITIC's Rules 2022 in this manner you must have downloaded a copy of the Rules.

2022 Rules amendment explanation

Download the 2022 Rules amendment explanation

Download the Chinese translation

As a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict the ITIC board of directors have reviewed the provisions within the ITIC rules regarding both sanctions and the ability to terminate a member’s entry with ITIC.

ITIC’s current Rule 13.32 provides that there would be no cover if ITIC is at risk of breaching the sanctions described in that rule, which are limited to the EU, UK and USA. A number of other countries have their own sanctions regimes. Accordingly, it was felt that the sanctions clause needed to be widened. There is a further widening of Rule 13.32 to allow ITIC to suspend or terminate cover if ITIC is exposed to or at risk of being exposed to sanctions, prohibitions or adverse actions.  In addition it was felt that new provisions should be included within the ITIC Rules which would allow ITIC to suspend or terminate cover in the event that a situation arises which the Directors believe could cause reputational damage to ITIC.  Finally, a new automatic cesser of insurance has been added if a member becomes subject to sanctions, prohibitions or restrictions of the UK, USA, EU or UN. Details have been provided in the above ITIC Rules amendment explanation document.

Insurance Product Information Documents

The Insurance Product Information Documents (IPIDs) are a summary of the benefits included, exclusions, restrictions, areas of cover, how your policy is paid and your rights and obligations.

ITIC provides two sets of IPID documents, one for EEA members and another for non-EEA members. Based on where your business is registered, please select the relevant entity below (it will be stated on your policy and the certificate of insurance). These documents are the same, aside from the name of the insurer.


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