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Managers of Mutuals

ITIC offers highly developed competencies, based on our global experience of the marine insurance sector, both to marine insurance providers and managers of marine mutuals.

Some of those to whom ITIC provide a service are part of the International Group of P&I Clubs. Some are smaller, more specialised mutual insurance associations.

The ITIC team is fully aware of the pressures faced by professionals in this area

The most common claims arising are:

  • missing a time bar,
  • failure to declare a risk to re-insurers.

No matter how professional and experienced you are, mistakes can be made. ITIC’s extensive experience of handling negligence claims against professionals has shown that when something goes wrong, claimants will dig deep. 

In such situations, it’s good to know that ITIC is on your side; time and time again ITIC has been through the sort of tribulations you may face. To you they may represent fresh and unwished for challenges; to ITIC, they are what we do.

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