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ITIC circular: Coronavirus loss prevention checklist

During these unprecedented times we urge members to be vigilant, maintain high business practices and not to DRIFT....

1. Debt: Keep on top of your debt. Notify ITIC of any problem debts that you have, as soon as possible. If you are not getting a response from the debtor, don’t be patient -  inform ITIC.

2. Reading: Be more careful when reading e-mails or documents. You may be working from home on a screen smaller and in a different environment than you are used to. Take more time.

3. Internet connection: not all of us working from home have an internet connection similar to that which we have in the office. Ensure that if your internet fails that you check that the messages that you were sending have gone, especially if the message related to a time sensitive matter.

4. Fraud: Be aware of fraud. Fraudsters are looking to exploit people who are already under pressure due to a change in their working environment. Ensure that you have good anti-virus and firewall protection. We outline some practical tips and checks that you can implement, to ensure that your IT systems and processes are as robust as possible on the fraud section of the ITIC website.

5. Talk: Encourage all staff who are working from home or remotely to talk on a regular basis to their colleagues.  Particular care and support should be provided to the more junior or inexperienced staff so as to reassure them that if they need assistance with any given situation that they should be able to seek the guidance and instruction of senior staff/ managers.

For further information and resources related to COVID-19 please visit ITIC's website.


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