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Press Release: German ship agent wins ITIC-sponsored FONASBA Award

The FONASBA Young Ship Agent or Broker Award 2017, co-sponsored by International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC), has been awarded to Niklas Soltow of SCA Logistics GmbH of Kiel, Germany. Katy Aldrick of Seaforth (Kenya) Ltd also received a special ‘highly commended’ award for her paper on the threats and opportunities facing small independent shipping agents in East Africa.

The award was introduced in 2015 and entries were reviewed and judged by a committee headed by former FONASBA President Gunnar J Heinonen which also included ITIC director Charlotte Kirk. Mr Heinonen, expressing FONASBA’s gratitude to ITIC and fellow sponsor BIMCO, said the winning paper provided an excellent picture of the present situation of the market and much food for thought for what is likely to be a challenging future.  It is FONASBA’s intention to develop the award still further to create even more interest among the growing number of young ship brokers and agents who represent the future of the profession.

Niklas Soltow said the award was a wonderful way to sustainably encourage the professionalism of young people who want to take up the challenge of the industry

Charlotte Kirk says, “ITIC is proud to be a sponsor of these FONASBA awards, which will be of enormous benefit to the industry as a whole in helping to identify the outstanding ship brokers and ship agents of the future.”

PR617 21 August 2017 

For more information:  Issued by:
Charlotte KirkChris Hewer
ITICMerlin Corporate Communications
Tel: +44 (0)20 7338 0150Tel: +44 (0)1903 50 20 50
Fax: +44 (0)20 7338 0151Fax: +44 (0)1903 50 02 72
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