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ITIC circular: Crew scam warning 2020

ITIC circular: Crew scam warning 2020

Date: Wednesday 28th October 2020 

To all ship agents and their insurance brokers  

ITIC has just helped a Northern European member to avoid falling victim to a scam by people smugglers trying to cover the movement of illegal migrants.

ITIC has often issued warnings about ship agents being targeted. The basic pattern is for owners/managers to approach the agent asking the agent to attend the vessel's call including giving assistance with a crew change. The approach is a sham but the agent’s involvement will provide cover for the migrants’ arrival in the country. The migrants will promptly disappear. The agent will be left with unpaid hotel bills and can face fines from immigration authorities as well as being liable for detention and repatriation costs if the migrants are caught.

In recent times everyone has been concentrating on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on crew movements. The people smugglers have not however ceased to exist. Therefore, ITIC reminds all agents worldwide to be vigilant when being approached by owners or crew managers who are unknown to them. 

Yours faithfully,

For International Transport Intermediaries Management Co Ltd.
Managers of International Transport Intermediaries Club Ltd

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