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Letter of guarantee

P&I Club Letter of Guarantee

International Group Wording

Ship:  M.V. “......................”



In consideration of your releasing from arrest and/or refraining from arresting or re-arresting and/or interfering in any other way with the use of trading of the above ship or any other ship or property or asset in the same or associated ownership or management, we, The ........................... Protection & Indemnity Association Ltd, HEREBY AGREE to pay you such sum or sums as may be adjudged without the right of appeal by a competent court or arbitration tribunal or agreed between the parties with our consent to be due to you from the owners of the above ship in respect of the above matter, provided always that our total liability hereunder shall not exceed the sum of Pounds Sterling .................... (.............................. Pounds Sterling) inclusive of interest and costs.  This undertaking is given without prejudice to any rights or defences of the owners of the above ship, including their right to limit liability.

This undertaking shall be governed by English law and any dispute arising hereunder shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in London.


The ..................................... Protection & Indemnity Association Ltd

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