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IMPORTANT NOTICE to note the change of bank payee details for all payments to ITIC Europe for European business...
UK P&I Club N.V. Portfolio Transfer of Insurance Business to International Transport Intermediaries Insurance Company...
We are writing to you to inform you of the proposed portfolio transfer of certain parts of the insurance and reinsurance...
As per the government’s press release of Thursday 17th October 2024 "the UK unleashed the largest package of sanctions...
The ITIC Europe team have moved offices, to a larger premises to ensure that there is plenty of room for the...
In preparation for the United Kingdom’s formal exit from the European Union in 2020 (Brexit), ITIC put in place an...
Changes to the French Code des Transports (L5546-1-3 3 °) To all French-domiciled yacht managers, including crew agents...
Circular to all members and brokers As a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict the ITIC board of directors have reviewed...
The following circular has been produced by the UK P&I Club in regards to the latest sanctions imposed by the EU on...
Further to our circular of 1st March on the banning of Russian connected vessels to UK Ports, please see the link to the...
The UK Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps, has written to UK ports requesting that they deny entry to...
The US, UK, EU and other countries have updated and announced new sanctions on Russian individuals and entities...
ITIC Rules have provided a consistent policy wording that is well known to members and their insurance brokers. The 2021...
ITIC has previously issued circulars warning members of fraudulent messages altering bank details. Unfortunately ITIC...
We are increasingly noticing that payments of premium are being sent to the wrong bank account (UK and not Europe),...
A business loss prevention checklist in the time of Coronavirus...
During this extraordinary time of lockdowns around the world, there will be issues with receiving the original bills of...
ITIC has received reports of fraudulent invoices being submitted to owners for the provision of medical testing services...
All EU members (and not those within the United Kingdom) will now be renewed on EU fronted policies as and when those...
Following a number of recent enquiries regarding GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) ITIC would like to remind...
Preparations in anticipation of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.
It has become clear that members and their brokers are not using the fax to communicate with ITIC. The decision has...
Please note that following the US decision to pull out of the JCPOA, US secondary sanctions have snapped back into place...
In December 2017, a circular was sent to all members and brokers explaining that ITIC would need to make arrangements in...
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force on 25 May 2018 and will have direct effect in the...
ITIC would like to draw your attention to the recent extension of service tax to apply to freight received by foreign...
Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd (Hanjin) applied for court rehabilitation in Korea on 31 August 2016. The Seoul District Court...