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The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) came into force 1st January 2024. This circular provides an update for January...
The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) will come in to force on 1st January 2024, the cost to the shipping...
Following a number of recent enquiries regarding GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) ITIC would like to remind...
Circular explaining amendments to Standard Ship and Crew Management Endorsement.
This circular was originally issued in 2008, but this advice still remains valid in 2020: Our Ref: 0208 December 2008 To...
Our ref: 0108 15 November 2008 To: Ship management members of ITIC in Italy, Monaco and Switzerland and their brokers ...
Our Ref: 97/05 April, 1998 To: Ship managers and their insurance brokers The International Safety Management Code...