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ITIC Insight podcast

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Why you should all be concerned about sanctions

In this special podcast, Geraldine Koon, Senior Claims Executive at ITIC, and Alexander Brandt, Counsel and lead member of the sanctions practice at Reed Smith LLP, discuss the sanctions landscape, which is even more relevant in light of the current sanctions against Russia. Ship agents and shipbrokers should not miss this highly informative podcast offering insight into the importance of having proper systems in place for checking and knowing your clients and transactions, possible consequences of sanction breaches and the potential challenges.


War, force majeure and ship management

Given the unprecedented nature of the current situation in Ukraine and the complex nature of sanctions being imposed on Russia, ITIC’s Robert Hodge and Julian Clark, Global Senior Partner at Ince, discuss the force majeure clause and its implications as well as the important role ship management companies can play in navigating these challenging issues.


Terms & conditions

ITIC's Mark Brattman, Claims Director and Legal Advisor, and Geraldine Koon, Senior Claims Executive, take to the microphone to talk about terms and conditions in contracts and the importance of them. Mark and Geraldine discuss how important it is to incorporate terms and conditions into all business dealings, offering advice on how best to do this and how to minimise any potential risk.


UK customs post-Brexit

Since Brexit, the numerous rules, regulations and procedures imposed on the import and export of goods between Europe and the UK has caused significant confusion. Casper Shipping’s Director, Nikki Sayer, and ITIC Account Executive Antonios Vrygiotis discuss how best to navigate the new requirements and provide their insight on best practices to avoid disruption or delay.


Switch bills of lading

In ITIC's second podcast of 2022 ITIC Claims Director Mark Brattman is joined by Alexander Sandiforth, a partner at Reed Smith law firm, to talk about one of the most searched terms on the ITIC website ‘switch bills of lading’. The practice of switch bills of lading is increasing, and Mark and Alexander discuss the challenges, potential problems and risks that can arise from this practice.


A look to the future of naval architecture

Kicking off 2022 ITIC's Robert Sniffen chats with Erik Johnston, Project Manager at Robert Allan Ltd, about the interesting discipline of naval architecture. Robert and Erik discuss the innovation behind designing vessels, touching on the first methanol-fuelled crew transfer vessel that is being designed by Robert Allan Ltd, decarbonisation and the offshore industry.


IMO 2021 - a follow on

In ITIC's latest podcast Robert Hodge, Director, and Julian Clark, Global Senior Partner at Ince, join forces for the second time to talk about IMO 2021 and the ship manager’s responsibility for carrying out cyber audits. Robert and Julian took part in an ITIC webinar on IMO 2021 earlier this year and now discuss the impacts of IMO 2021 on shipping and ship managers in particular.


Safeguarding professionals in the aviation sector

In our first ever podcast covering the aviation industry, ITIC’s Melanie Daglish and guest Alan Phelan, Chief Executive Officer of the APTN (Aircraft Professional’s Technical Network), talk about the APTN, the pandemic and the importance of CPD training.


Claims Review 45

Join ITIC's Claims Director Mark Brattman and Marketing Director Emma Leworthy as they chat about the latest Claims Review 45. This bi-annual publication provides a selection of marine cases recently handled by ITIC and offers relevant guidance and instruction to help members avoid similar pitfalls.


An interview with ITIC’s new CEO Tom Irving

Join ITIC’s Robert Sniffen as he speaks with new CEO Tom Irving. Robert and Tom discuss Tom's history with ITIC, looking at some interesting cases, his plans for ITIC going forward, as well as gaining more insight into Tom's favourite foods, travel destinations, movies and music.

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