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Russia Ukraine conflict

This page collates updates, circulars and other material relevant to the current crisis in Ukraine.

If members become aware, or have concerns, that their clients and/or parties in a transaction have become a sanctioned entity, or are concerned as to whether the sanction regimes apply to any of their transactions, they should contact specialist sanctions lawyers as soon as possible.




Why you should all be concerned about sanctions

In this special podcast, Geraldine Koon, Senior Claims Executive at ITIC, and Alexander Brandt, Counsel and lead member of the sanctions practice at Reed Smith LLP, discuss the sanctions landscape, which is even more relevant in light of the current sanctions against Russia. Ship agents and shipbrokers should not miss this highly informative podcast offering insight into the importance of having proper systems in place for checking and knowing your clients and transactions, possible consequences of sanction breaches and the potential challenges.


War, force majeure and ship management

Given the unprecedented nature of the current situation in Ukraine and the complex nature of sanctions being imposed on Russia, ITIC’s Robert Hodge and Julian Clark, Global Senior Partner at Ince, discuss the force majeure clause and its implications as well as the important role ship management companies can play in navigating these challenging issues.

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