Webinar: SHOW ME THE MONEY! A case study on how to get paid your commission and disbursements

Webinar: SHOW ME THE MONEY! A case study on how to get paid your commission and disbursements

ITIC is delighted to invite you to a webinar on Wednesday, 5th February at 10.00 (London time) entitled "SHOW ME THE MONEY! A case study on how to get paid your commission and disbursements." It will be hosted by Robert Hodge, General Manager, and Mark Brattman, Claims Director.
This one hour webinar is essential viewing for all shipbrokers and ship agents.
ITIC has recovered over US$ 250 million in unpaid shipbroker commissions and ship agent disbursements. This webinar brings together many of those claims into a practical case study on what to do when an unscrupulous principal fails to pay you. Whether that is the arrest of a ship or even going after personal assets.
To register, please click here
During the webinar, you will be able to put any questions you may have to Robert and Mark, or you can submit your questions beforehand by e-mailing itic.invitations@thomasmiller.com.      
If you would like to watch the webinar but will be unable to do so at the live time, please still register to attend and a link to the recording will be sent to you after it has ended.

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