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Additional Cover

Cash in transit insurance

ITIC offers a unique insurance package to its members.  The combination of cash in transit and petty cash insurance offers members the convenience of a single policy at a competitive premium.

To request a quote, please fill out a Cash-in-Transit insurance:

Download Cash-in-Transit insurance form

Cash in transit insurance fact sheet

Commission income insurance

ITIC's loss of commission cover is tailored to meet ship brokers' needs, offered as an endorsement to members' existing liability insurances.  There are two levels of cover, actual and constructive total loss only, and full cover which insures a wide range of marine perils.

To request a quote, please fill out a Commission Insurance form:

Download Commission Income Insurance

Commission income insurance fact sheet

Debt collection insurance

This insurance covers the legal costs of pursuing outstanding commission for ship brokers, disbursement accounts for ship agents, fees for marine surveyors and other debts. We understand that tact is vital to preserve commercial relationships and often a polite reminder is all that is needed to secure payment. However, if proceedings are unavoidable, ITIC will use whatever legal means necessary to try to recover the monies owed to you.

 Debt collection insurance fact sheet

Directors' & officers' insurance

D&O insurance cover protects companies and their directors, officers and senior managers against claims arising from their decisions and actions taken whilst managing their business.

To request a quote, please fill out a Directors' and Officers' proposal form:

Download proposal form

Directors' and Officers' fact sheet

Directors' and Officers' Insurance - The Claims Experience

Directors' and Officers' Insurance - draft indication

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