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Expert insight

  • ITIC is a leading provider of professional indemnity insurance to aviation and aircraft industry professionals in every specialist field of the industry.
  • ITIC offers detailed insight into the risk environment in which these professions operate. This comes from years of first-hand experience; often helping clients to identify problems before they become issues.

Extensive aviation industry experience

ITIC supports professionals in every area of the industry.

ITIC has a unique understanding of the relationships between brokers and their lessor or lessee principals. 

ITIC also understands how aircraft designers can frequently be implicated in claims against manufacturers; the exceptionally wide range of claims that can beset aviation registries; and the sensitive and often high profile nature of the services provided by aviation surveyors.

ITIC Aviation Industry Insights

Matthew Day, Director, Gallagher

Sam Heather, Founder, 26Aviation

Claims Examples

Mitigate risks

Any specialist within aviation and aircraft services, facing any day-to-day exposure to risk, can rely on ITIC to help mitigate the risk. ITIC offers proven expertise in your sector, no matter how complicated the problem may be.

ITIC professional indemnity insurance for aviation specialist's includes:

  • Worldwide cover for professional indemnity (errors & omissions) risks; including US jurisdiction 
  • Access to a worldwide network of local correspondent offices able to advise ITIC members on local legal and regulatory issues
  • Contractual risk management guidance and loss prevention advice

Virtual Robbery Webinar, 8th September 2020

Aviation factsheets

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