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Claim & loss adjusters

Expert service

Claims and loss adjusters work under constant time pressure and constant scrutiny.

Clients are never relaxed about the time taken to resolve a claim; the anticipated settlement may often be critical to business survival or cash-flow issues. For these reasons clients require a fast, reliable, accurate and complete service.

Should your service, for whatever reason, fail to deliver against any of those requirements, then problems may arise, including:

  • Negotiation/Claim errors
    Failure to communicate details of a settlement offer or claim within the specific time frame.
  • Time bar
     Failure to lodge a claim within the specific time frame; this renders you liable for the financial loss resulting.
  • Inadequate advice
    Failure to provide the correct advice on a claim.
  • Misdirected reporting
    Sending an opinion/advice to an incorrect party.
  • Negotiation/Claim errors
     Failure to pass on the details of a settlement offer within a specific time frame (e.g. Part 36 offers to settle).

Professional indemnity insurance from ITIC addresses the precise nuances of the claims and loss adjuster profession. ITIC gives you the confidence to go about your daily affairs in the knowledge that, should a client ever seek redress from you, you’re ready to minimise its impact.

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