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Yacht designers

In any profession where attention to detail is critical, the smallest of errors can have the biggest of consequences. You need to be able to deliver your service with an eye to the bigger picture, the ultimate product you create. You need to know that expert support is on hand should problems ever arise that leave you exposed to claims against you.

ITIC provides the support you need.

ITIC’s wide experience in helping yacht designers minimise the financial impact of mistakes has covered such scenarios as:

  • design defect causing damage to the vessel’s hull;
  • mistake calculating the stability of the yacht;
  • wrong material advised for production – such as composite materials causing de-lamination;
  • deficiency of speed and performance;
  • deviation from design specification.

The list is not exhaustive, nor is our ability to give you the back-up you need when the stability of your business may be threatened by a negative issue.


Fact Sheet

ITIC’s extensive experience in your sector drives our pro-active service. We help you foresee potential problems; thus avoiding them.

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