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Offshore & Energy

Expert’s experts

  • ITIC’s comprehensive professional indemnity insurance is tailored to suit the specific needs of offshore and hydrographic surveyors and consultants.
  • ITIC services have grown in direct proportion to the growth of this high profile sector.

Nobody’s invincible

Offshore and hydrographic surveyors and consultants have traditionally held the belief that their professions entailed no great need for professional indemnity insurance, given the extremely rare incidence of claims and the often research-based nature of the services they offer.

As the offshore industry continues to expand, however, the range of services demanded grows in complexity and diversity. Clients are also increasingly prepared to claim for negligence wherever investment may be compromised and delays or losses incurred.

In an increasingly litigious world, nobody is invincible.

Professional indemnity cover is now often a prerequisite to the contract. This should not be the prime motivation for ensuring that comprehensive professional indemnity insurance cover is in place however; you always have a potential liability, even if insurance is not asked for in the contract.

Being unprepared for a potentially negative scenario is simply not best practice. Engaging ITIC is one of the best decisions you can make.

Offshore factsheets

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