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Offshore & Hydrographic consultants

The range of services offered by offshore and hydrographic consultants has expanded in recent years; an extended service proposition brings wider exposure to claims.

The service proposition has grown to include, for example, cable route planning for pipelines and transoceanic telecommunications cables, environmental studies and arranging marine permits. 

As claims such as the Deepwater Horizon have hit the offshore industry, principals in this sector are now requiring greater liability to be held by the consultant. 

Appropriate professional indemnity cover is now virtually a mission critical requirement.

ITIC provides cover to offshore and hydrographic consultants offering the following services:

  • Providing project QHSE Support
  • Environmental assessments
  • Cable route planning
  • Marine permitting
  • Geophysical and hydrographic surveys
  • Consultancy to-
    • oil and gas sector
    • telecommunications sector
    • renewable energy sector
    • power interconnector sector


Fact Sheet

Any offshore professional will face day-to-day exposure to risk, but will be able to rely on ITIC to help reduce any potential hazards

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