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Too much to master

The owner of a ship requested its agent in Argentina to deliver USD20,000 to the master. The agent took every precaution in delivering the cash, using security guards and an armoured car. On arrival at the ship, however, the Argentinean customs refused to allow the delivery of cash because the necessary customs documentation had not been completed.

The customs refused to allow the ship to sail for three days while they carried out an investigation. Customs argued that the movement of cash from Argentina in amounts greater than USD10,000 had to be declared, in the same way that international travellers had to make a declaration if they are carrying more than USD10,000 in cash.

Local lawyers eventually succeeded in demonstrating to customs officials that there had been no breach of regulations. However, the agent received a claim from the owner for USD103,000 (the cost of the three day delay) on the grounds that the agent should have cleared the movement of cash with customs before the cash was taken to the ship.

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