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Incorrect calculations

A naval architect was appointed to re-design and certify part of a mast support structure on a large sailing yacht. The naval architect had no involvement in the original design of the yacht.

As the refit neared completion, the architect realised that the calculations he was using in relation to the strength of the plate on which the mast was to sit were incorrect. This could have resulted in the mast pushing through the plate when the vessel was operated. Significant work (including stripping out part of the accommodation and fuel tanks) was required to install a thicker plate.

When this additional work was completed, the architect was presented with an invoice which his clients alleged represented the additional costs incurred by them as a result of the architect’s late discovery of the incorrect calculations.

The architect sought advice from ITIC as to how to respond to this. ITIC instructed an independent expert to provide an opinion as to the alleged costs. ITIC then negotiated a settlement with the claimants, based on the opinion obtained.

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