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ITIC believes loss prevention is an important part of its services. With over 2,300 assureds we see a very wide range of issues. Where possible, we use that experience to assist members avoid liabilities.
The Claims Review is ITIC’s general and most popular loss prevention publication. There are two Claims Reviews issued each year in March and September, where we report on claims that have been recently settled and paid. This allows members to learn from the mistakes of others.
More specific loss prevention advice is given in circulars. In 2015 and 2016 the main focus was to highlight to members the frauds that were being reported. ITIC alerted members to the techniques being used by fraudsters. We know that our alerts prevented a number of attempted thefts.
ITIC knows that if you start your business relationships on the right basis that you will minimise any future difficulties. Some businesses use well established contract forms, such as BIMCO’s Shipman document, but other industries have not developed standard forms. For this reason ITIC has suggested standard terms and conditions for surveyors, consultants, naval architects, hydrographic surveyors and ship brokers. These are available from ITIC’s website free to use by the assureds.
We are also strong believers in training and education. We can see that where members’ employees have been formally trained as apprentices, or through more formal education, such as the courses offered by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, that their knowledge reduces the likelihood of a claim. To address specific training needs ITIC has produced e-learning seminars and published podcasts which are all stored in the support section of the ITIC website.
Finally, we are always able to provide you with specific dedicated loss prevention seminars in your offices.
Member and broker survey 2016
The purpose of the survey was to monitor the perception of ITIC by members and insurance brokers. It was also to measure the performance of the products and services provided. The team at ITIC consider that they have the members’ and brokers’ interests at heart and this was also tested in the survey.
The results of the survey were very encouraging, with overall satisfaction being at 98% for members and 99% for insurance brokers. There was a positive view of service levels and information and communication provided by ITIC. The survey concluded that ITIC is viewed very highly by members and insurance brokers and is the first choice for professional indemnity insurance in the transport sector. We are grateful to all who answered the