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Julia Mavropoulos

Many members and brokers will have come across Julia Mavropoulos during her 30 or so years working for TIM and ITIC. Julia was one of the first members of the TIM team when the business started in 1985, looking after many of the members in Europe and India. Julia went on to become claims director until formally retiring from ITIC in 2005.

Despite retiring, Julia continued to work as a consultant to ITIC, coming into the office for a couple of days a week, enjoying digging into various claims matters that required another pair of eyes. However, in May 2018 Julia actually retired and we had a lunch to celebrate.

Julia will now have more time for her hobbies of travel and going to the theatre and is looking forward to a trip to India in November.

Dirk Fry and Fawzi Kanoo

At the September 2018 board meeting, held in Cyprus, Dirk Fry of Columbia Shipmanagement and Fawzi Kanoo of Kanoo Shipping retired from the board of Directors.

Dirk Fry retired as a director of both the ITIC and TIMIA boards, after serving as a director of ITIC since 1995. Fawzi Kanoo also retired as a director of ITIC after joining the board in 2009.

We would like to thank both Dirk and Fawzi for their contributions to the business and boards over the years. They will be missed. A donation was made to the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger DGzRS) on behalf of Dirk Fry and a donation was made to International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on behalf of Fawzi Kanoo.

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