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Alistair Mactavish
Alistair Mactavish

Chief Underwriting Officer & Chief Operating Officer

work +44 (0)20 7204 2347
cell +44 (0)7825 682260

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Career Summary

Alistair joined ITIM in March 2001 as an account executive, initially focusing on claims and underwriting of ITIC's members in Central and South America. In July 2006 Alistair became a director of ITIM and General Manager. In 2012 he became the Chief Operating Officer and then in 2015 added Chief Underwriting Officer to his job title – the longest in ITIM history!


  • Prior to joining ITIM Alistair worked for Steamship Mutual P&I Club for close to 10 years.  He started working there in the post room, then became a clerical assistant, followed by junior claims handler and finally a senior claims adjustor in the crew & personal injury department.

Special Experience

  • In addition to his responsibilities as Chief Underwriting Officer & Chief Operating Officer he is the account executive for Singapore in addition to East and West Coast of USA.
  • Alistair project managed the implementation of a Document Management System which has allowed ITIC to become a 'paperless' office.
  • Responsible for new IT initiatives
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