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Charlotte Kirk
Charlotte Kirk

Commercial Director

work +44 (0)20 7204 2928
cell +44 (0)7920 205697

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Career Summary

Charlotte joined ITIC in 1992 having previously worked at CISBACLUB, one of ITIC's predecessors. Charlotte is ITIC's commercial director and is the account executive responsible for ITIC's members in Scandinavia, Cyprus, Israel and the UK (West Country).

Charlotte is the CEO of ITIC’s European subsidiary, ITIC Europe.


  • Blue Star Line - reefer trading department

  • CISBACLUB - claims handler

  • Gibbs Hartley Cooper, later Marsh Insurance brokers, Cyprus - insurance broker

  • Professional qualification : Bsc (Hons) Nautical Studies, FICS

Special Experience

  • Charlotte is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers.

  • Charlotte is a member of The Baltic Exchange

  • Charlotte is a member of the Court of the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights

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