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Robert Hodge
Robert Hodge

Director & General manager

work +44 (0)20 7204 2074
cell +44 (0)7584 032144

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Career Summary

Prior to joining ITIM in October 2010, Robert was a claims executive for 3 years with the TT Club, another business managed by the Thomas Miller group. He moved to ITIM as an Account Executive in October 2010.


  • Robert began his career at sea, crewing on super yachts, after which he joined the merchant navy as a deck officer. 

His qualifications, include:

  • MCA - Officer of the Watch (unlimited)
  • Robert holds a First Class Honours law degree from the University of London
  • Commercial Offshore Yachtmaster
  • HND Nautical Science
  • Chartered Insurance Institute Diploma

Special Experience

  • Robert is the account executive responsible for South East Asia, Greece and Monaco.
  • A regular contributor to Ship Management International and other publications.
  • He sits on various BIMCO documentary subcommittees, including SHIPMAN and AUTOMAN.
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