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Event: ITIC panel discussion and drinks reception in Fremantle, Australia, on Thursday 17th March 2016

ITIC and the TT Club are hosting a panel discussion on Thursday 17th March 2016 at the Western Australian Maritime Museum. The discussion will focus around international shipping trends, the Western Australian maritime climate and an offshore and oil and gas perspective. The discussion will be followed by a drinks reception.

The panel will feature the following:
• Capt. Phil Griffin, Director - Marine, London Offshore Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd, Perth;
• Mark North, Shipbroker, Thurlestone Shipping Ltd, Fremantle; and
• Lars Säfverström, Group Co-Chairman, Gulf Agency Company, Dubai.
Chaired by Bob Bishop, Executive Director, V Ships, Glasgow

If you wish to attend this event, or require further information, please e-mail ITIC.

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