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An ITIC member acted as a marine consultant, stowage and lashing planning advisor for the stowage of steel coils.
An ITIC member, who is a surveyor, was appointed in 2013 by a buyer to sample a cargo of 3,000 MT of Ukrainian sunflower seed cake at a discharge port in Spain under GAFTA Rules. There was an underlying dispute between the buyer and seller as to the quality of the cargo. The surveyor, insured by ITIC, sub-contracted the job to a surveyor in Belgium, who in turn sub-sub-contracted the sampling to their office in Spain.
A marine surveyor carried out a preshipment inspection of two consignments of trucks, cranes and other equipment. The consignments were due to be sent to two different ports in South America. As part of the inspection the marine surveyor was required to ensure that every item was correctly labelled.
A surveyor in Canada was contracted to provide a load and stow survey for a barge of steel.
A ferry operating in North America was due to be towed to a shipyard to undergo a refit. A marine surveyor was engaged by the shipyard to undertake a “fit for tow” survey and provide a certificate of approval confirming that the towage arrangements as between the tug and the ferry were satisfactory. The marine surveyor completed his survey and issued the certificate of approval.
Shippers of a cargo of wheat instructed a marine surveyor to survey and certify the holds of a bulk carrier as fit for loading.
A marine chemist carried out routine testing of a cargo of methanol when a vessel docked for discharge.
Marine surveyors based in the Far East were instructed by the insurers of a cargo of HRSG harps (which are metal tube modules used in power generation) to conduct a pre-shipment inspection and to advise on loading and stowage....
In many trade contracts, where the specification of the product is important, buyers and sellers will often agree that the quality will be determined by an independent expert and that the expert's findings shall be "final...
Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 21