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An offshore surveying firm, offering geophysical surveys, signed a contract with an oil company for the provision of geophysical surveys and geotechnical surveys over offshore gas fields.
As part of a pipeline project a surveyor carried out geotechnical sampling which required the collection of samples at numerous stations. Unfortunately the surveyor did not follow proper procedures in handling some of the core samples for laboratory tests.
In 2007, an offshore consultant performed a site assessment for a jackup crane barge. The site was known to have some inherent difficulties for jack-up operations due to the underlying layer of soft clay which could potentially lead to a “punch-through” of the one of the jack-up’s legs.
A hydrographic surveyor was appointed to conduct a survey for a harbour authority. The surveyor made a mistake taking the readings as they had not allowed for the depth of the transducer on the survey vessel. A total of three data sets were taken, each containing the same error. This resulted in the readings showing half a metre too little and the harbour authority restricted access to the harbour for certain seagoing vessels.
A subsea engineering company was contracted by an oil major to design a series of subsea flowlines, carrying oil and gas products from the wellhead to the riser foot. The design factored in an intended life-span of 15 years....
A major survey company was contracted to survey the seabed for the routing of a power cable. This cable was used to connect to an offshore wind farm to the power grid via a substation ashore. Unfortunately, the routing was not...
This article is part of The Wire: Focus on Offshore and Hydrographics, released in March 2014.
A consultant was contracted to carry out a spudcan penetration analysis of the seabed prior to a mobile jack-up drill putting its legs down. The analysis was not carried out effectively. The consultant advised that the rig was...
A consultant was engaged to notify all interested parties along a route of a new telecommunications cable. The consultant did this in accordance with its principal’s instructions. However, whilst laying the cable, the...
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