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A ship agent in Spain was owed US$ 12,000 in outstanding disbursements by the owner of a tanker which had called at a Spanish port under their agency.
A container of frozen beef was carried on a liner service between Australia and China. Seven days after the ship departed Australia, the shipper realised that they had failed to obtain the necessary health certificate from the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources prior to exporting the container.
A ship agent in Central America made two mistakes in relation to cargo on a ship coming into port which led to two customs fines.
ITIC has often assisted ship agents who have received demands from trustees in bankruptcy seeking to recover disbursements paid to the agent in the period shortly prior to their principal entering bankruptcy. The agent will frequently have settled with suppliers and face a loss if they have to return money. While ITIC does not cover the amounts at stake, agreed legal costs can be reimbursed under the debt collection cover.
Ship agents were contacted by owners whose ship was being fixed to discharge at a West African port. Owners advised that they were intending to discharge 10 large tanks, each weighing 69 metric tons.
A shipper booked a shipment of 17 containers from Germany to China via Rotterdam, destination Jiangyin Terminal Fuzhou. The correct location code with the shipping line for this destination was CN JGY indicating the cargo was for Jiangyin International Container terminal, Fuzhou Fujian.
A South American ship agent declared 47 transhipment cargoes to Customs. The declaration was made electronically and referred to a specific manifest. Less than a week later the agent mistakenly entered declarations for the same cargoes but referenced a different manifest.
A ship was proceeding to the discharge port. The agent at the discharge port advised the shipper that the maximum draft in was 40ft and as this vessel was just under 41ft she made an interim call to unload some cargo.
A liner agent released a cargo of ceramics that had been shipped from the Far East when presented with what they assumed was the original bill of lading. It later transpired that the bill of lading was a forgery.
A ship agent received a spreadsheet from their principal showing the ship on which cargoes had been originally loaded in one column and which of two subsequent feeder ships that would be used to carry the cargo to the final discharge port in another column. The latter two ships were scheduled to arrive a week apart.
Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 147