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To err is human. If however, you arrange insurance as a manager for the owner the consequences of not taking great care are nasty and, usually, expensive.
In our first ever podcast covering the aviation industry, ITIC’s Melanie Daglish and guest Alan Phelan, Chief Executive Officer of the APTN (Aircraft Professional’s Technical Network), talk about the APTN, the pandemic and the importance of CPD training.
Climate change and damage to the environment is at the top of the agenda for nation states, corporations and financial institutions when forming policy decisions. The EU has focused on shipping to ensure that ship recycling occurs in the most environmentally safe way possible.
Earlier this year we wrote an article for Ship Management International on the low sulphur rules with the introduction of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2020. Now ship managers have yet another date to focus their attention on which is IMO 2021, cyber risk management.
Welcome to this ship management edition of The Wire. We have curated a selection of Ship Management International columns, which have been published during the last year.
A ship manager was managing a tanker entering West African waters. The manager believed the terms of the charterparty provided that armed guards were to be appointed at the charterer’s expense. The manager duly appointed the guards for the voyage at a cost of US$ 170,000.
Commercial managers arranged two consecutive voyages. At the conclusion of the first voyage the ship discharged at the outer limit of the port and immediately returned to the load port in order to lift the next cargo. When the ship arrived at the load port the managers discovered the quick turn round had caused a problem
A ship under management frequently traded to US ports. On 1st July 2017 new laws came into force in California, requiring vessels entering from international waters to deballast more than 200 nautical miles from the coast.
A commercial management agreement provided that the managers could not fix the ship for more than a specific number of days without approval. The managers failed to obtain express approval for a fixture which (at its longest permitted period) could extend beyond the authority they had been given.
A pool manager fixed a ship on the basis that it could transit the new Panama Canal. The ships in that fleet were all of a size to be able to transit the canal and the pool manager believed that all the ships were equipped appropriately for Panama Canal transit.
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